They were more rare than private airplanes are now.
touche', touche'..........
regarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
They were more rare than private airplanes are now.
touche', touche'..........
regarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
JAmes, whether the world, or life on this planet has improved, is largely subjective. I didn't save any money on my car insurance.
regarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
Actually NC, they got that wrong. More like the world doesn't give a f#$# about them.
regarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
Imagine telling a JW we should pray for President Obama!
Moshe would be pissed!!!
regarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
To be fair to the WT/JWs and any other Christian denomination with peculiar doctrines, the Bible is so inconsistent and vague that anyone savvy enough can use it to support any crazy belief system they choose to.
I do agree with the WT views on the Trinity, Hellfire, Christian Neutrality in politics and war, infant baptism, and probably some other things that I can't recall at this time.
its portrayal of grey wolves was horribly inaccurate.
it will probably lead to an even more negative attitude toward wolves, which puts them in more danger.
i believe i read that the creators bought dead wolves while producing the movie.. its main characters' philosophizing was pretentious, cliched, and insulting to my intelligence.
I disagree on the "its just fiction" point. Jaws was also just fiction but fistered an irrational fear of sharks for decades. Peter Benchly himself regreted the damage caused to the perception of sharks as a result and worked for years to promote shark conservation... Any harm caused by a movie isnt worth it. Facts are important, even to the perceptions of zombies
With the Jaws thing though, can you really fault the writers, producers, director, etc.? I mean they put out a fictional movie to entertain the public. You can't fault them for the public being overly irrational to the point of blatant stupidity. The reality is people are just stupid. I mean look at us, we're the ultimate example of stupidity, we're Jehovah's Witnesses.
i'm on a rock kick again, and i never realized how much i adore songs with crazy horns.
i've always loved horns in hip-hop, (work by gang-starr is a must hear even for non-rap lovers if you can appreciate horns), but i want to really explore horns as used in other genres, particulary classic rock.
plus there's a song i heard years ago that i can't seem to locate and can't even recall any of the words or its melody, just that i loved it at the time.
The guy singing in that Blood Sweat Tears sounds almost like what I'm looking for, but it's not him either, and I just breezed through their greatest hits on CDUniverse. It's damn close though!!!! It's a voice like his with a similar band sound, similar horns to that Vehicle song. I've only heard the track a couple times, and I'll never forge the winter night driving home with freezing rain and I drove under a train trestle and it came on. It fit so perfectly!! If I would have died that night it would have been ok, it was that perfect!!! Other than that I heard it once while working in a Tool and Die shop and was too busy to ask one of the white dudes working there who it was. At that time, that kind of Rock was unfamiliar territory to me as a young brother raised on soul, pop, and hip hop.
i'm on a rock kick again, and i never realized how much i adore songs with crazy horns.
i've always loved horns in hip-hop, (work by gang-starr is a must hear even for non-rap lovers if you can appreciate horns), but i want to really explore horns as used in other genres, particulary classic rock.
plus there's a song i heard years ago that i can't seem to locate and can't even recall any of the words or its melody, just that i loved it at the time.
OMG FHN!!!! While it's still not the one I've been looking for, that Ide's of March song..........I've been looking for that for years too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've always wondered who sung that!!!!!
i'm on a rock kick again, and i never realized how much i adore songs with crazy horns.
i've always loved horns in hip-hop, (work by gang-starr is a must hear even for non-rap lovers if you can appreciate horns), but i want to really explore horns as used in other genres, particulary classic rock.
plus there's a song i heard years ago that i can't seem to locate and can't even recall any of the words or its melody, just that i loved it at the time.
FHN, whoever I'm looking for has got to be from the same time frame, but it wasn't that. It was somebody or some group from that same time period, but with a deeper voice and the pace of the music was more aggressive.
i knew this party was too good to last, some inquiring mind is a troll (yes, here on jwn we have moles!
), i think we have a rat here!
i don't feel like "apostate material" and i am not the only one who is going down for this offense!
LOL Baltar